Why is a pathology trending? 

Research and design project conducted over the past year as part of the MA in Information Design at Design Academy Eindhoven

A Movie &
Director's Notes

This project emerges as both a film, 'Y'all Got ADHD,' and Director’s Notes that illuminate the theoretical framework behind its creation.

InfoHuntress, a graphic designer armed with a fresh self-diagnosis of ADHD and a dubious ally named Freudly, dives headfirst into the absurd world of a society obsessed with self-diagnosis, productivity, and doomscrolling. Together, they peel back the layers of a fever dream set against the backdrop of a Cognitive Capitalism Company (CCC).

Sneak your peepers on this short preview of the movie.



InfoHuntress represents information overload. She personifies collective doom in the face of seductive technology and the crushing realities of life.

Many resonate with what is perceived as ADHD symptoms, perhaps unknowingly attributing signs of digital overload, a pervasive sense of doom, and compulsive scrolling to this condition.


Freudly has a bone to pick with formal institutions. He weaponizes Freudian wit against the very institution that birthed him. 

As traditional psychology fails to keep up with fast technological and societal changes, many are considering self-diagnosis and alternative narratives to understand their experiences. He's here to shake up the formal psychotherapy establishment and score some points for team "Neurodivergence."


Cognitive Capitalist Company (CCC) embodies the values of post-Fordism, focusing on flexibility, multitasking, and constant optimization.

The relentless emphasis on maximizing productivity in the workplace and beyond has transformed our lives into a never-ending race. This systemic push plays a significant role in the widespread recognition of ADHD symptoms.


Have you ever felt disinterested or bored?
Do you ever find yourself multitasking?
Is your attention spread thin?
If so, this is because you Y'all got ADHD πŸ’™



This project will be featured at Dutch Design Week '24

For real-time updates on projects, the movie premiere, and the Director’s Notes launch, please follow me on Instagram